Meeting minutes for: January 18, 2024

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the North Fork Ambulance Health Service District located in the Counties of Delta, Montrose and Gunnison, Colorado, was held at 110 E. Hotchkiss Ave, Hotchkiss, Colorado, on Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 11:03 am.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: No additions to the agenda.
ROLL CALL: Board members present – Dan Miller, Dave Kreutz, Bonnie Eisenberg. Marcus Roeder and Peter Pruett attended via ZOOM
Others present include: Kathy Steckel, Diane Perry, Tanya Applegate, Steve Simpson, Marie Stucker and Marvin Pemberton.
PUBLIC COMMENT: No Public Comment
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the December 14, 2023 Regular Monthly Meeting were reviewed. Dave Kreutz made a motion that the minutes be approved as written. The motion was seconded. All were in favor.
Minutes from the January 9, 2024 Budget Meeting were reviewed. Dave Kreutz made a motion that the minutes be approved as written. The motion was seconded. All were in favor.
FINANCE REPORT: Financials for December were presented and reviewed. Marcus Roeder made a motion to approve the financials for December. The motion was seconded. All were in favor.
APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATIONS: Bonnie Eisenberg made a motion to approve the appropriations for December as presented. The motion was seconded. All were in favor.
DISTRICT CHIEF REPORT: Kathy Steckel gave an overview of her report (see attached).
Administration: All budget and mill levy paperwork has been filed with the counties.
Finance: Expecting WRETAC and Provider Grant funds to come shortly. Funds to cover education and radio expenses incurred last year.
HR: AFLAC coverage to begin on January 1, 2024. End of year bonuses and appreciation gifts were well received as always!
PR: Wellness Expo is being moved to March 23rd this year. Last year it was in April.
OPERATION: Working on a multi-year CDPHE Grant to fund CP, CARES, Non-emergent transports, and injury prevention programs, everything non-EMS. Would be $160,000 the first year and $190,000 the next two.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Paonia Remodel. The remodel should be done next week. Radios were purchased at the end of last year and are being put into the state system, before they can be distributed. Bonnie asked where we stand with acquiring a wheelchair van. We are on the lookout for the perfect van, but will probably wait until the second half of the year to purchase it. If we get the CDPHE grant, this could be used to help with the purchase of the van.
NEW BUSINESS: Resolution Designating Location to Post Notice. Dave Kreutz made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-06: Resolution Designating Location to Post Notice. The motion was seconded. All were in favor.
Next Regular Meeting is Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 11 am.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further matters before the board, Dan Miller made a motion to adjourn. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 11:22 am.