Meeting minutes for: February 9, 2023

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the North Fork Ambulance Health Service District located in the Counties of Delta, Montrose and Gunnison, Colorado, was held at 110 E. Hotchkiss Ave, Hotchkiss, Colorado, on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 11:04 am.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: No additions to the agenda
ROLL CALL: Board members present – Dan Miller, Marcus Roeder, Dave Kreutz, Bonnie Eisenberg and Peter Pruett.
Others present include: Kathy Steckel, Diane Perry, and Steve Simpson.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Bonnie Eisenberg wanted to thank Kathy for giving her contact information for the Weld County ride program. This led to many more contacts and grant money for Senior Connection to develop their own ride program.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the January 12, 2023 Regular Monthly Meeting were reviewed. Marcus Roeder made a motion that the minutes be approved as written. The motion was seconded. All were in favor.
FINANCE REPORT: Financials for January were presented and reviewed. Marcus Roeder made a motion that the financials for January be approved as presented. The motion was seconded. All were in favor.
APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATIONS: Peter Pruett made a motion to approve the appropriations for January as presented. The motion was seconded. All were in favor.
DISTRICT CHIEF REPORT: Kathy Steckel presented an overview of her report (see attached).
Administration: On track for the board election - Calls for nominations have be printed in the papers in all three counties as per DOLA requirements. We will see if there are any applicants.
Finance: Provider grant for new radios is almost complete. Waiting for financials from the CPA. Received a $15,000 check from the Auxiliary. It is a pass through of the $20,000 grant Kathy submitted to Colorado Grand on their behalf - $15,000 is for the CP Program and $5,000 went to Senior Connection.
HR: Advised crew that FAMLI Medical leave program has started and that the District is paying their portion as well as the district portion.
PR: SAIL exercise class is still continuing with 6 classes per week. Might add another “easy” class in Crawford. This led to a discussion about advertising and why Paonia classes are so much larger than the other two communities.
Operations: Organizing the North Fork Health and Wellness Expo with North Fork Senior Connections. It will be held on Saturday April 29th at Heritage Hall. If a board member thinks of anyone that should be invited as a vendor, please let Kathy know.
Education: Planning a big change in the way we do Continuing Education. Changing from once a month to two-day intensive weekend training sessions twice a year. Call reviews will continue quarterly.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: - No Unfinished business
NEW BUSINESS: - No New Business
Next Regular Meeting is Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 11 am.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further matters before the board, Dan Miller made a motion to adjourn. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 11:24 am.